Lily Aldrin

Lily grew up in New York City, in the borough of Brooklyn. Her childhood was shaped by the horrible environment that her parents raised her in. Lily’s mother is an extreme feminist, who worked two jobs and refused to buy her an easy bake oven. She had a stay-at-home dad who was distracted by his dream of creating the next great American board game, therefore constantly neglecting Lily.

After Marshall helped her set up her stereo in her dorm room, the two of them started dating.

Lily also has dreams of being an artist.

Lily has the tendency to turn to shopping whenever she is upset whether the problem has to do with her relationships or even receiving a high credit card bill.She also has a huge debt problem because of her impulsive buying practices.

She cannot keep a secret, and is a very caring person and will much of the time do thankless acts for the good of her friends.

Despite her small, cute-like appearance, Lily is far from innocent.

She is known to be an extremely sexual person.

With Ted, Lily has taken it upon herself to make him break up with women that she didn’t approve of since their time in college together, especially if they didn’t pass her “Front Porch Test”, where she would imagine what the group would look like as elderly people sitting on the front porch of their shared beach house.

Being a kindergarten teacher, Lily has a warped sense of justice. She has a tendency to punish people that she doesn’t approve in a similar fashion to how she would punish the children in her class even though they’re fully grown adults.

Ted has noticed that when she is upset she will peel the labels off water bottles.



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