Barney Stinson

Barney’s unique personality and elaborate techniques for seducing women are a constant source of humor, amazement, and disgust to the rest of the group. Though he can be really mean to some of the women he has one night stands with, he has shown he can be very kind and loving to his friends

Barney was raised by his single mother, Loretta Stinson, with his older brother, James. James and Barney asked their mother why they had different skin colors, but she would either lie to them with impossible and illogical reasons or attempt to change the subject.

He has no problem lying or using extremely ridiculous methods to charm women. Along with being proud and very open about his collection of pornography, he doesn’t see anything wrong about secretly video taping and taking pictures of the women he sleeps with.

He has a scrapbook filled with the pictures of women he has slept with and he does not care at all what happens to his one-night stands as long as he doesn’t have to see or talk to them again.

Barney is very driven to achieve what he wants and will go to great lengths to make it happen. He takes comments such as “No one can do this” as a challenge, announcing “Challenge Accepted!”. He will even take an entire year to fulfill a challenge even if the person who “challenged” him doesn’t even remember.

Barney has shown to have a somewhat childish personality as well. He is an avid blogger and laser tag fan. He’s extremely aggressive while playing laser tag, to the point where he’s been seen pinning a child down to the ground while shooting him, which got him banned from his usual laser tag spot.

He loves to do magic tricks, he usually uses them to pick up women. Barney seems to have a preference with magic that involves fire, which caused his friends to have an intervention to get him to stop to using magic.

Barney’s personality has been noted to be very similar to Robin’s. The two see marriage/commitment as a drag; they prefer to have relationships that are casual and fun; they enjoy smoking cigars and playing laser tag and they are very confident in their looks. It’s these similarities, which allow the two to get along so well and both Lily believed that this is was why they were perfect for each other as boyfriend and girlfriend.

He does sometimes get embarrassed when others see his kindness and will often make a rude comment to throw them off or try to keep his actions secret.

Not much is known about Barney’s career. Whenever asked what it is he does for a living, he always shakes off the question by laughing and saying “Please…”.



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